Coping with Coronavirus
Free picture stories and illustrated guides to support people with learning disabilities and autism through the coronavirus pandemic.
Love in Lockdown
Love in Lockdown
illustrated by Lucy Bergonzi
A wordless story that shows how, with a bit of creativity, people can lead lives filled with love even in the most extraordinary circumstances, and how important vaccine uptake is for getting that long-awaited face-to-face meeting and hug.
Protecting ourselves
Having a Vaccine for Coronavirus
illustrated by Lucy Bergonzi
This wordless story is designed to help people think about the coronavirus vaccine and what having the vaccine will mean.
The pictures can help people to ask questions and talk through their feelings and concerns with a supporter so that they feel prepared when they receive their invitation.
Having a Flu Jab
illustrated by Beth Webb
(pictures taken from Going to the Doctor)
This short wordless story is about what happens when you have a flu jab. The pictures will help people to talk about how they feel about getting the jab, to ask questions and to share any worries.
The story can also be used to support conversations about other injections and vaccinations, including the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.
Beating the Virus
Beating the Virus
illustrated by Lucy Bergonzi
A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe. The story also shows how to safely help others who may be self-isolating.
Supplementary text at the end of the story gives information on where people can seek help if they are unwell and signposts to other useful resources.
Testing for coronavirus
Having a Test for Coronavirus
(shows home testing and drive through testing)
A wordless story about getting tested for coronavirus. The story shows how testing works at a drive through centre and using a self-test kit at home.
This story can help support someone to understand what testing involves, to ask questions and to make informed decisions about what is right for them.
Having a Home Test for Coronavirus
A shortened wordless story that can help people having a home test to prepare.
Supplementary text at the back gives relevant information for supporters and carers.
Having a Test for Coronavirus at a Drive Through Centre
A double-sided picture sheet illustrating the drive through testing process. Useful for testing centres to hand out and for people to print and take with them.
A quick guide on the reverse gives information for testers on who the resource can help and tips for making the test accessible.
Mental health, end of life and bereavement resources
Let’s talk about…when someone is ill or dies from coronavirus
Online support for people with learning disabilities
Images and suggested questions to prompt discussion about the impact of coronavirus on people's lives, and especially the impact of people dying from coronavirus.
Good Days and Bad Days During Lockdown
A wordless booklet with scenes from existing Beyond Words stories looking at what makes a ‘good day’ and what makes a ‘bad day’.
Scenes address social distancing, lockdown, mental health and daily routines.
Jack Plans Ahead for Coronavirus
A guide for family and carers
An illustrated resource on end of life care planning in the context of coronavirus. Aimed at family and carers.
(- Polskie tłumaczenie // - Traducción Española)
When it’s not safe to stay at home
An illustrated guide to supporting people at risk of abuse at home during coronavirus
Includes information on recognising domestic abuse and sources of support.
When Someone Dies from Coronavirus
A guide for family and carers
An illustrated resource on how to respond when somebody dies from coronavirus and coping with grief and bereavement. Aimed at family and carers.
(- Nederlandse vertaling // - Traducción Española // - Deutsche Übersetzung)
Coronavirus resources for secure settings
Understanding COVID-19 in Secure Settings
A wordless story about the impact of coronavirus on the lives of people living in secure settings, including prison and secure hospitals.
Pictures address new rules and procedures, testing and vaccination as well as death and bereavement.
COVID-19 in Prison: leaflet for first night packs
A double sided leaflet recommended for inclusion in first night packs for prisoners. Pictures taken from full version: ‘Understanding COVID-19 in Secure Settings’
Quick guide to using Beyond Words resources
1-page Quick User guide with instructions on how to get the most out of our wordless picture resources.
Coaching people to use Beyond Words resources
1-page coaching guide on what to cover in a training session for staff or peer support workers e.g. reception orderlies or ‘Listeners’. Designed for secure settings.
All works listed on this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
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