Picture This is a project which gives creative freedom to people with learning disabilities to create stories that stimulate their imaginations and interest them. It is an innovative new project for publisher Beyond Words in partnership with Kent Libraries. The ‘Picture This – Story Sharing’ project, funded by Arts Council England, brought together three artists with nine Beyond Words book clubs for adults with learning disabilities, to produce three new books. These will be an extension of the Books Beyond Words series focussing on fun, lighter reads for leisure.

The books were produced over five months, through workshops where adults with learning disabilities explored the art of storytelling through drawing and drama. With the aid of a facilitator and artists, they developed and shared these stories within their communities, to make the final books you see today.

Through a careful selection process, a panel comprising people with learning disabilities, City Lit course leaders and Beyond Words Series Editor Sheila Hollins, selected three talented new artists to illustrate the books. They are Lucy Bergonzi, Beth Aulton and Gaby Weigert.

The Picture This imprint is different from the main Beyond Words series, which tackles many challenging subjects such as mental health, bereavement and accessing services. Instead, these books are fun, fictional stories to be read for pleasure.

The Picture This books make people smile and laugh out loud. The positive gains associated with laughter are well-documented and reading these books in groups and having fun together is something that everyone can enjoy.  The books are now in Kent libraries.

Picture This imprint:

Picture This: Three Books
A Day at the Beach
A Balloon Adventure
A Night in Space

A Day at the Beach by Lucy Bergonzi and Kent Book Clubs

A Night in Space by Beth Aulton and Kent Book Clubs

A Balloon Adventure by Gaby Weigert and Kent Book Clubs